Lowongan Kerja PT. Universal Laboratory
PT. Universal Laboratory merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang ada di Kota Batam. Saat ini membutuhkan karyawan untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :
PT. Universal Laboratory
#02-00, Blok H1, Latrade Industrial Park,
Tanjung Uncang, Batam 29422 - Indonesia
Email : lab@universalab.com
Laboratory Chemist (Code : LC)Pre-Requisites :
- You must posses a recognized tertiary qualification in Chemistry / Applied and Organic Chemistry Technology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology or a related discipline with GPA Min. 2.75
- Having strong knowledge in the Analytical Chemistry, Organic chemistry and chemical Process Technology
- Good interpersonal, written, communication and organization skills
- High computer literacy is essential
- Fluent in English
- Able to work independently and under pressure
PT. Universal Laboratory
#02-00, Blok H1, Latrade Industrial Park,
Tanjung Uncang, Batam 29422 - Indonesia
Email : lab@universalab.com
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